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immediate charge

Generally, the conventional treatment with implants takes 4 to 6 months after the installation of the implants to be able to make the prostheses, and during this time the patient usually uses temporary prostheses "when possible"  

Immediate loading is how the prosthesis is called, which is installed within 72 hours after placement of the implants, while the conventional treatment takes 4 to 6 months, with immediate loading you can have a new smile in up to 3 days.


Immediate loading is possible today, as new studies have shown that this method is as safe as the conventional one, and the advantages for the patient are enormous, as it reduces treatment time, and everything is done practically in 1 or 2 days.

  This type of treatment has a better possibility in protocol-type prostheses,  because in this type of prosthesis we have 4 to 6 implants, which gives better support for the prosthesis. And it also depends on the bone conditions of each patient, as it is necessary a minimum locking of the implant in the bone to be able to support the prosthesis, so each case must be evaluated individually.


Placas e parafusos de titânio são frequentemente usados para fixar os ossos na nova posição.

Após a cirurgia, é comum que o paciente tenha um período de recuperação que pode incluir inchaço, dormência e ajustes na dieta e rotina, além de acompanhamento ortodôntico contínuo para garantir que os resultados sejam mantidos.

Os benefícios da cirurgia ortognática são muitos, quer saber se esta cirurgia está indicada para você? agende uma consulta e tire todas as suas dúvidas.

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