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Maxillofacial Surgery

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the specialty

cirurgiao bucomaxilofacial-cirurgia ortognatica

This is a specialty of Dentistry that acts more constantly in hospitals.

The Maxillofacial Surgeon is responsible for major surgeries in the face region, whether for fractures resulting from trauma, or surgeries  for correction of bone defects such as orthognathic surgery. Despite this, he also works in offices, in more complex surgeries.

Orthognathic surgeries correct or modify the positioning of the bone bases of the jaws, being used to correct defects in these bone bases, and also very indicated for patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome classified as severe.

Face traumas are more  common than imagined, sports accidents,  car accidents and physical aggression are among the main causes, and this type of trauma is part of the routine of the  Maxillofacial Surgeon who works in a hospital.

The role of this surgeon also covers temporomandibular joint surgeries, when there is some dysfunction that cannot be treated in a more conservative manner.

cirurgiao bucomaxilofacial em atibaia-cirurgia ortognatica

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