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Protocol is the prosthesis that replaces all teeth in an entire arch, and is fixed on the implants, so it has  the advantage over conventional dentures of being fixed and  leave the roof of the mouth free, which brings a lot of comfort when chewing, talking and smiling.

For this type of prosthesis, 4 to 6 implants are generally used, depending on the bone conditions of each patient.


Geralmente, o tratamento convencional com implantes, leva de 4 a 6 meses após a instalação dos implantes para poder serem feitas as próteses, sendo que neste tempo o paciente geralmente utiliza próteses provisórias "quando possível" 

Carga imediata é como é chamada a prótese que é instalada em até 72h após a colocação dos implantes, enquanto o tratamento convencional leva de 4 a 6 meses, mas com a carga imediata você pode ter seu sorriso novo no mesmo dia!

Protocol-type prostheses are the most aesthetic and comfortable.

For those who have been using conventional dentures for a long time, switching to the protocol brings great freedom to eat, talk and smile without fear.

There is also the advantage that this type of prosthesis can be made as immediate load, click here and find out what immediate load is.

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